The Cocoa Industry Adapts: Navigating Reduced Harvest Numbers

Cocoa Industry Faces Reduced Harvests: Battling Climate, Disease & Sustainability Challenges. Discover how it's adapting for a sweeter future.

The Cocoa Industry Adapts: Navigating Reduced Harvest Numbers
Photo by Rodrigo Flores / Unsplash

The cocoa industry, a cornerstone of global confectionery and chocolate production, is facing a significant challenge in recent years - reduced harvest numbers. A combination of factors, including climate change, deforestation, disease, and socioeconomic challenges, has led to declining cocoa yields in key producing regions. This article explores how the cocoa industry is responding to these reduced harvest numbers and what strategies are being employed to ensure the sustainability of this beloved commodity.

The global cocoa industry is worth billions of dollars and provides livelihoods for millions of farmers in West Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America. However, it faces several sustainability challenges. Cocoa farming is a leading driver of deforestation in cocoa-producing regions. As demand for cocoa increases, farmers often clear forests to create new cocoa plantations, leading to animal habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. This is endangering some already endangered species – such as the jaguar and several bird species. This makes deforestation one of the most significant environmental impacts globally, which also has the ability to disrupt the local water cycles and increase the risk of soil erosion.

Climate change has had a profound impact on cocoa production. Rising temperatures, erratic rainfall patterns, prolonged dry seasons, and increased pests and diseases are threatening cocoa trees' health and productivity. Many cocoa-producing regions, primarily in West Africa, are experiencing these adverse effects, leading to decreased cocoa yields.


One of the most significant challenges faced by cocoa farmers is the outbreak of fungal diseases, such as black pod disease and witches' broom disease. These diseases can decimate entire cocoa plantations, resulting in substantial losses for farmers. As a result, efforts to combat and prevent these diseases have become a priority for the cocoa industry.

Additionally, cocoa farming is often characterized by low income, limited access to education, and poor working conditions for farmers. These challenges have led to a lack of incentive for young people to enter cocoa farming, exacerbating the problem of reduced harvests. Cocoa prices are notoriously volatile, impacting the income and livelihoods of cocoa farmers who often struggle to make ends meet.
The industry has come under scrutiny for child labor and exploitation on cocoa farms. Many children, some as young as 5 years old, are involved in hazardous work, such as wielding machetes and applying pesticides.

The cocoa industry is taking proactive steps to address the reduced harvest numbers and ensure the sustainability of cocoa production.
Companies and organizations in the cocoa industry are investing in research to develop disease-resistant cocoa varieties. These varieties are better equipped to withstand diseases, pests, and adverse weather conditions, thereby increasing yields.

Cocoa beans

Promoting sustainable farming practices is essential. This includes training farmers in modern, environmentally friendly techniques, such as intercropping, shade-grown cocoa, and soil conservation. These practices can enhance cocoa yield and quality. Furthermore, encouraging farmers to diversify their crops can provide a buffer against the risks associated with cocoa farming. By growing other crops alongside cocoa, farmers can ensure a more stable income, even during periods of reduced cocoa harvests, like we have seen recently. Some cocoa producers are implementing agroforestry practices, which involve growing cocoa alongside other crops and restoring deforested areas, creating a more sustainable and biodiverse environment.

Addressing the socioeconomic challenges faced by cocoa farmers is crucial. Industry stakeholders are working to improve access to education, healthcare, and infrastructure in cocoa-growing communities, making cocoa farming a more attractive livelihood option.
Companies are increasingly adopting certification programs like Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance. These certifications ensure that cocoa is produced under environmentally and socially responsible conditions, providing consumers with confidence in their chocolate purchases. The cocoa industry is collaborating with governments, NGOs, and international organizations to coordinate efforts and share best practices for sustainable cocoa production. These partnerships are vital for addressing systemic issues affecting the cocoa sector. Efforts are being made to stabilize cocoa prices through partnerships, futures contracts, and direct purchasing agreements, ensuring farmers receive fair compensation for their hard work.

Focusing on improving cocoa communities through educating children 

Sustainability within the cocoa industry is an ongoing journey, with numerous challenges still to be addressed. Climate change remains a looming threat, and the eradication of child labor is a complex and deeply entrenched issue. However, there is cause for optimism as the industry continues to evolve. The integration of technology, such as blockchain and satellite imagery, is helping to trace cocoa supply chains, ensuring transparency and accountability. Partnerships with companies like Myneral Labs, can incentives farmers to grow sustainable produce, because they know that they will get fair payment, based on the quality of their individual harvest, and not based on aggregated numbers from the region they are farming in. This can also include apps containing both live weather forecasts, training resources and live updated market pricing. This will allow the farmers to control their own fate and destiny when it comes to their crops. Furthermore, adopting sensors and IoT devices can monitor conditions during cocoa bean transport and storage. For example, temperature and humidity sensors can help maintain the quality of beans, by ensuring they are stored under optimal conditions, which can help to reduce the spoil and waste during transit and refinement. Along these lines, the using of the latest tech in inventory management systems, can help to achieve a more sustainable stock management, avoiding over- or understocking which will ultimately help to reduce waste as well.

Technology throughout the supply chain process has the potential to transform the cocoa industry by increasing transparency, improving efficiencies, promoting sustainability, and ensuring fair practices throughout the supply chain. Implementing some of these technologies can benefit not only the cocoa producers, but also consumers who are increasingly interested in ethically sourced and sustainable chocolate.

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Governments in cocoa-producing countries are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability and are enacting policies to support responsible cocoa production. Stakeholders are collaborating more than ever, forming partnerships that pool resources, knowledge, and expertise to tackle sustainability challenges collectively.

The cocoa industry's response to reduced harvest numbers is a testament to its commitment to sustainability and resilience. By investing in research, sustainable practices, diversification, and community development, the industry is striving to overcome the challenges posed by climate change, diseases, and socioeconomic factors.

Another response to the reduced harvest numbers for the Cocoa industry, is trying to switch focus to cocoa butter equivalents, such as shea butter. Shea nuts are grown in West Africa primarily and provides a valuable alternative for the chocolate industry. While many of the countries growing shea, also grow cocoa – this is always done in separate areas, and therefore provide relevant alternatives.
Where the cocoa production often results in deforestation, the shea trees appear naturally on the farmlands. The new focus on shea butter as a quality fat alternative for cocoa butter, means that communities are leaving the shea trees, where in the past they were often cleared, to provide wood for firewood or charcoal.

Shea nuts

Some of the industry’s largest players are starting to focus on the provenance of shea butter, just like they do with the cocoa butter. Applying software technology to determine provenance help the industry. It allows them to reward the sustainable farmers appropriately, and incentivize them to provide ethical sourcing options for companies like Nestlé.

Consumers also play a crucial role by supporting ethical and sustainable chocolate brands. By choosing products that adhere to certification standards and support responsible cocoa sourcing, consumers can contribute to the industry's efforts to cope with reduced harvests and secure the future of cocoa production for generations to come. Through collective action, the cocoa industry is determined to ensure that the world's love affair with chocolate remains sustainable and environmentally responsible.